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Provoking the Wisdom of God - part 1

Bible Reading: Job 28:12-28
Topic: Provoking the Wisdom of God - part 1
What is wisdom of God?
Wisdom of God is a divine ability and essential commodity embedded in you to know and do all manner of work in the service of God to humanity - Exodus 36:1
- Wisdom of God is Jesus Christ – 1Cor. 1:24
- Jesus says, be wise like serpents. Wisdom of serpents is the ability to function without unduly attracting the enemy’s attention
- Everything you need in life to fulfill your purpose and destiny are
hidden in the wisdom of God
Prayer Bombs for Today:
1. Father I open my heart unto you, fill me heart with your wisdom in Jesus name.
2. I receive divine wisdom for exploits in the name of Jesus
3. I disconnect myself and destiny from the power of failure in the name of Jesus
4. Father open my understanding to know the secret of success that had been hide from me in Jesus name
5. As I wake up today, I will reach the destination where my helpers is waiting for me in the name of Jesus
6. Lord, incorporated in me divine wisdom that I need to become great in my studies in the name of Jesus

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