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War Against Your Future Killers


Topic: SECURE YOUR FUTURE –Part 3 (War Against the Killer of Your Future)

Bible Reading: Psalm 35

In this world we are, it full of evil and wicked people. It is world that anyone that has great future must be ready to fight against any Killers of the Future. From the beginning of the creation, the second child on this earth is the one that experience sudden death from the future killer. 

Abel was killed by his brother – Genesis 4:4-ff. Cain killed Abel and that is end of his future. Abel was a child that has desire to serve God in faithfulness and righteousness, what he did proved his faithfulness before God. His faith is among the faith of people that one could emulate. Moreover, his life was cut short by his brother.

Joseph brothers tried to kill Joseph future but thank God for grace given to Joseph to survive the tragedy. Joseph was sold to the land of Egypt where he eventually fulfilled his future purpose as written in the Master Plan of God. Genesis 37, 39-47.

A man of God from Judah was assassinated by the old Prophet from Bethel – I kings 13:1-ff. The future of the prophet from Judah was cut short by another prophet of God.  

Naboth’s was killed and his future was cut short because of his properties. There are several people in the Bible that were killed without fulfill their future.

In our world today, many are in grave as a result of sudden death from the future killers. Many glory had been buried as a result of the enemies that against the purpose of God in people’ life.  That is why today prayer bombs are focus on killers of your future. The enemies are always alert to use any means to carry out their evil plans, you also must be ready to go and fight against them.


1. God I thank you for spare my life from the plan of the future killers

2. My Father, deliver me from any plan of future killers in the name of Jesus

3. My Father and my God, send your thunder to the gathering of evil people that plan to kill my future in the name of Jesus

4. Any step that future killers shall taking to kill my future shall not stand and not prosper in the name of Jesus

5. Every gathering of future killers against my life, marriage, business, ministry and future is hereby scatter by thunder of God in the name of Jesus

6. Every pity of failure dogged before me by the future killers is hereby close by the blood of Jesus 

7. All the future killers that write any letter or words against me shall receive the axe of God and render them to pieces in the name of Jesus

8. Every handwriting of the enemies against my future is hereby cancel and terminated by the Blood of Jesus

9. Everywhere that the future killers mention my name for evil, thunder of God will answer them in the name of Jesus

10. My future is secure by the Blood of Jesus

11. My future will prosper and fulfill her purpose in the name of Jesus

12. I will walk upon all my enemies in the name of Jesus

13. Any plan of sudden death against me, my wife, my husband, my children, etc is cancel by the Blood of Jesus

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