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War Against Anti-Progress Forces

DAY 7 - Saturday 7th February, 2015


BIBLE READING: Joshua 6:1-5
"Now Jericho was straightly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in." Joshua 6:1

Our today prayer bombs will focus on war against anti-progress forces in year 2015. There are several forces assigned to stop your progress in 2015 and beyond, moreover there are several angels of God assigned to assisting you in achieving your purpose and become an Uncommon Testimonies man or woman of the year.

One of the plans of the enemy is to restrict the children of God from progressing or achieving their dream and purpose in every year. This year 2015 is not different. The ANT-PROGRESS FORCES are on the work, and their aim is to stop and not allowing people that had been destined to have UNCOMMON TESTIMONIES to achieve it. I had been saying this, God has purpose and good plan for everyone, but these can only come to manifestation when YOU take the right step and war against any forces or power that can stop YOU.


They shut door against the people of God, so that will not enter to their    promise land
When the door is shut, there is no entrance
When the door is shut, the people inside will not see the people outside
When the door is shut, good things is shut against you
When the door is shut, no good things will enter the house or the city
When the door is shut, no escape for those things that are inside
When the door is shut, no way to take anything that is inside house


The door was shut against the people of God, so that they will not progress to their promise land and inherit it. 
There are doors before you this year, and the doors must be open before you can see the manifestation of God. 
The door must be open for you to experience uncommon testimonies. 
The door must be open for you to have change of story
The door must be open that your life will not be in shame


1. Thank God because He gave you grace to witness another day

2. Confess all your sins and ask for the forgiveness. 

3. Tell God to wash you clean with the Blood of Jesus Christ 

4. My Father and my Lord, I receive the power of Holy Ghost in Jesus name

5. Every barriers of anti-progress in year 2015 assigned to stop my uncommon testimonies, you are a liar, receive judgment of God in Jesus name 

6. The door of breakthrough for 2015 open before me in Jesus name

7. In the capability of God's Mighty Power, every mark and signs of anti-progress place on my house, shop, office, cars, marriage, children and spouse, be remove and wash away by the Blood of Jesus 

8. The door of financial breakthrough for 2015 open before me in Jesus name

9. Every door of the enemies in all my ways this year 2015 is hereby scatter by thunder of fire in the name of Jesus

10. The chain that the enemies used to blocked my way to success in the previous years are hereby scatter by fire of God in Jesus name 

11. The door of international recognitions shall open for me this year 2015 in Jesus name

12. Every seeds of anti-progress that had been planted in night into my life, marriage, business, job, work, and my family for year 2015, be uprooted by the fire and thunder of God in Jesus name

13. Any door of failure that set before me in this year 2015 is hereby close by fire and Blood of Jesus

14. Every evil-altar that my name, photos and address had been put to, I commanded you to scatter by fire and thunder of God in Jesus name

15. Every door of greatness and promotion of good things shall open for me in year 2015 in the name of Jesus

16. In the capability of the God Mighty power, I collect the keys that open every door of good things for year 2015 in the name of Jesus

17. I cover my life, wife, husband, children, work, business, job, family and other things that belong to me with Blood of Jesus throughout year 2015 in the name of Jesus

18. Every satanic road block shall not mount on my way throughout year 2015 in the name of Jesus

19. All my abandoned good project of previous years shall be complete by the grace of God in year 2015 in the name of Jesus

20. Every force of enemies that standing on my way at any time year 2015 shall receive the judgment of God with fire and thunder in the name of Jesus

21. Any plan of the enemies against my ministry, and marriage shall not prosper in year 2015 in the name of Jesus

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