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Overcome Darkness with the LIGHT



BIBLE READING: Genesis 1:1-end

From the beginning of the world, darkness have over ride the existence of the world, but the only thing that terminate its riding is the power of LIGHT that pronounced by the ALMIGHTY GOD.

Where there is darkness, nothing good manifest. The Spirit of God could not have place to abide because darkness is already in control until God order LIGHT to take over - Genesis 1:2-3. Good things may not come existence in your life, marriage, business and family as whole until you allow the LIGHT to take over of your total life.

Where darkness is the master, emptiness and void is the business of the day. Until you incorporate LIGHT into your daily activities, fruitless, barrenness, sadness and failure may not seize of happening in your marriage, business, ministry and finances.

The only power that can stop the power of darkness that is tormenting your life, marriage, business and academic is the power of LIGHT. Where there is LIGHT, darkness has no room to operate. When you allow LIGHT to operate in your environment, the door of new business, appointment to good and great job, availability of getting the best and desire of your heart is inevitable.

As long as you connected and abide in LIGHT, you are on the way to successful living and fulfilling your purpose and divine dream. No man or woman will stand against you and go free.

God always have pleasure and ready to proof HIMSELF Mightily in the life, business, family, marriage and academic of everyone that allow HIS LIGHT to direct, guide and be in him/her.


1. Every power of darkness working against my living, you are a liar, receive the judgement of God's LIGHT today in the name of Jesus

2. As from today henceforth, the LIGHT of GOD terminate the agenda of darkness working around me in the name of Jesus

3. Every door of greatness that have been closed through the power of darkness is hereby open by the power of LIGHT in the name of Jesus

4. Every things that belong to me that the darkness have taken away from me is hereby restore back with the LIGHT of GOD in the name of Jesus

5. Every chain of darkness hold my possessions captivity receive the power of LIGHT and scatter by the thunder of God in JESUS name

6. Every satellite of darkness use to monitor my affairs on daily basis, you are a liar receive the LIGHT of GOD and destroy by the thunder of God in JESUS name

7. Every door of possibilities that have been closed against me by darkness, be open by the LIGHT of God in Jesus name

8. As from today henceforth, I overshadow by the LIGHT of God in Jesus name

9. The blessing of God is open to me by the LIGHT of God in Jesus name

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