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Harvest in Hundredfold



BIBLE READING: Genesis 26:1-12

Everyone expect to harvest one thing or the other at any time. People are working in order to harvest good and profits at the end of the day. As many people are expecting to harvest more than what they planted or sown, yet many could not get what they desire in their harvest. 

There are laws of that will make your harvest be fruitful and last. You reap what you sow or plant; you reap according to quality and quantity. The land or place you sow a seed to determine the harvest you will get there. Not every land you can so your your seed to. Sow your seeds into harlot and prostitute house will only give you corruption. Using what you have to patronize and glorify idols and shrines will only result you in reaping evil and sadness.

Until you change your mentality in sow or giving to the right proportions you may not reap or harvest hundred fold. God told Isaac, not to go back to Egypt, Isaac have to stay in Gerari in order to be fruitful in his work - Genesis 26:2-3, 12

You must obey divine command in order to harvest hundredfold fruitfulness. Genesis 26:12

Build your life business, work, and marriage on the foundation of God and abide in Jesus Christ - John 15:5, says: "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing."

Don't allow the enemies to sow evil into your business, marriage, work, job, academic - Matthew 13:24-26

Sow seeds to the Kingdom of God - share your possessions with people in needs, sow seed to the men and women of God, assist the poor and people in wants. Don't allow hungry to affect the people around - Galatians 6:7-10

Pay your workers due, allowances, salaries, benefits. Don't behold people's money that is in your hands.


1. Thanks God for given you grace to see the last Sunday in the month of June

2. Every power that close door of fruitfulness against you is hereby scatter and break by the thunder of God in Jesus name

3. The land of my business, place of work hear the voice of God that created you, as from today, I will be fruitful and harvest hundredfold on you in Jesus name

4. Every good and glorious things that God have destiny for me in this shop,office, house, school will come to manifest in my life this year in Jesus name

5. Divine connection with my helpers is happen today and this week in JESUS name

6. As from today, God is connect me with all my helpers that will cause hundredfold of harvest in my life, business, job, work and marriages in JESUS name

7. I possess the power of triumph and harvest of hundredfold in Jesus name

8. God of possibility is making every things possible for me as from today henceforth in Jesus name 

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